Grassley Direct

Last month, Congress passed and President Trump signed into law the Tax Cuts and Jobs Act. This historic legislation reforms our broken tax code, makes filing simpler and gives a break to middle-class families and low-income earners in Iowa and across the country. Read my op-ed about the promises tax reform delivers to Iowa families. 

Q&A: Looking Ahead in 2018

Q. How will Congress build on the achievements from the first session of the 115th Congress?
Q. What issues can Iowans expect Congress to address this year?

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will kick off the 38th year of my annual 99 county meetings in Harrison and Sac counties. Representative government is a two-way street and it requires continued dialogue between elected officials and the people we represent. I look forward to another productive year of meetings, as well as the opportunity to listen to Iowans’ comments and concerns and respond directly to their questions.

My colleagues and I urged the Administration to include sufficient funding in its fiscal year 2019 budget request to upgrade critical lock and dam infrastructure on the Mississippi River. Waterways and ports are vital to U.S. trade and commerce. The United States is the world’s largest agricultural exporter, selling one third of its product abroad. 

Alarming news reports surfaced of unsanctioned human research testing conducted by Southern Illinois University professor William Halford. The type of research puts individuals at extreme health risk. I wrote to various government agencies seeking information on the status of any on going investigation. The episode illustrates a failure in necessary governmental oversight of vaccine research as well as a failure by the university in question to properly oversee its research staff. 

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