May 5, 2020
I was always taught that if you can count your blessings, you can share your blessings. It's my privilege to share some inspirational stories from those on the ground who are donating their time and energy to helping their fellow West Virginians. These are just a few of the countless acts of kindness happening in our state every single day. Share your stories or recommend someone to be recognized for being WV Strong by emailing WVSTRONG@manchin.senate.gov.
I truly appreciate Janet Lee Swift of the High Rocks Educational Center for recommending today’s Better Angels - the AmeriCorps members in Greenbrier County.
During this pandemic, High Rocks and one of their programs, The Hub, have shifted from their usual after-school programming to the enormous task of helping to feed children. The Hub, located in Lewisburg, WV, has always offered a free, nutritious snack and dinner to all of its after-school participants.
Now, with the help of volunteers and AmeriCorps members, they are feeding about 50 dinners a day, Monday-Friday, as part of an effort to enhance the school-based feeding programs that are in place in Greenbrier County. These meals are offered at no cost to children 18-and-under, and are offered to adults for only $5. Every day, they prepare a “daily special,” and announce it on social media.
They continue to practice social distancing by working in shifts, and staff and volunteers are required to take their temperature daily before reporting to The Hub.
Charleston, WV – U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) today led 42 Senators in calling on President Trump and his Administration to develop a comprehensive national strategic plan of action by May 24th to ensure states have sufficient tests to begin safely re-opening.
“While states and Tribes play a critical role in the COVID-19 response, there are certain responsibilities that can only be fulfilled by the federal government…We urge you to quickly allocate the $25 billion provided in the law to ramp up testing in a manner that optimizes public health and promotes equity. Further, we expect prompt formulation, reporting, and implementation of a highly detailed and specific national strategic plan, as required in the Paycheck Protection Program and Health Care Enhancement Act. Your Administration must take a “whole of society” approach that will quickly scale and optimize COVID-19 testing, help build a massive workforce to trace and mitigate additional community spread, and help get America back to work,” the Senators said in part.
Charleston, WV – Today, U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) released the following statement on the first positive COVID-19 case at FCI Gilmer after the transfer of new out-of-state prisoners to the facility.
“When the Bureau of Prisons (BOP) announced their plans to send additional inmates to facilities in Glenville and Hazelton this was what we feared would happen. This reckless decision on the part of BOP has endangered our hardworking correctional officers and their families, the entire community and the other inmates in the facility. I have asked BOP to conduct a thorough investigation and am awaiting the results of that investigation. I hope this will deter the BOP from transferring additional out-of-state inmates to West Virginia,” Senator Manchin said.
Senator Manchin’s efforts to halt these transfers are outlined below:
- On April 28, 2020, Senator Manchin raised concerns about the transfer of new out-of-state inmates to the FCC Hazelton and FCI Gilmer facilities in West Virginia on a call with U.S. Attorney General William Barr.
- On April 25, 2020, Senator Manchin urged U.S. Attorney General (AG) William Barr to immediately halt plans to send new out-of-state inmates from COVID-19 hotspot regions to FCC Hazelton and FCI Gilmer to quarantine.
- On April 25, 2020, Senator Manchin strongly opposed the transfer of new out-of-state prisoners to FCC Hazelton and FCI Gilmer to quarantine.
WV 211 |
U.S. Senator Joe Manchin (D-WV) is encouraging West Virginians to utilize the 2-1-1 program operated by United Way of West Virginia. 2-1-1 connects callers with health and human services resources through trained certified specialists. Anyone can call 2-1-1 to learn about specific programs, intake requirements, eligibility, operation hours and more.
“United Way of West Virginia provides an important service to West Virginians by helping users navigate the vast number of resources available to aid with healthcare issues, food shortages, mental health questions and more. This program is more important now than ever as we battle the COVID-19 pandemic and I commend United Way for continuing to serve their fellow West Virginians through this time,” Senator Manchin said.
“United Way’s new 2-1-1 will make information on a wide variety of local support services more accessible across our entire state,” said United Way of Central WV President, Margaret O’Neal. “Whether it’s information for locating a health clinic, finding child care programs, or getting housing assistance, 2-1-1 is an easy-to-remember, go-to resource for individuals and families.”
To utilize these resources West Virginians can:
Call 2-1-1
Text your zip code to 898-211
Visit http://www.wv211.org/contact
Call toll-free 1-833-848-9905

Our office is working diligently to bring you the most up-to-date information as it becomes available. Click the links below for more information. All information regarding resources and more can be found on Senator Manchin's website.
Unemployment & Direct Payments
Veterans Assistance
Basic Needs
Business Assistance
Feeling Ill?
Any new or updated information will be posted below. All information is updated daily on manchin.senate.gov/coronavirus.
EIDL Loans for Agricultural Businesses
*SBA is currently only taking EIDL applications from agricultural-related businesses.
In response to the Coronavirus (COVID-19) pandemic, small business owners in all U.S. states, Washington D.C., and territories were able to apply for an Economic Injury Disaster Loan advance of up to $10,000. This advance is designed to provide economic relief to businesses that are currently experiencing a temporary loss of revenue. This loan advance will not have to be repaid.
SBA has resumed processing EIDL applications that were submitted before the portal stopped accepting new applications on April 15 and will be processing these applications on a first-come, first-served basis. SBA will begin accepting new Economic Injury Disaster Loan (EIDL) and EIDL Advance applications on a limited basis only to provide relief to U.S. agricultural businesses.
The new eligibility is made possible as a result of the latest round of funds appropriated by Congress in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.
Agricultural businesses includes those businesses engaged in the production of food and fiber, ranching, and raising of livestock, aquaculture, and all other farming and agricultural related industries (as defined by section 18(b) of the Small Business Act (15 U.S.C. 647(b)). SBA is encouraging all eligible agricultural businesses with 500 or fewer employees wishing to apply to begin preparing their business financial information needed for their application.
At this time, only agricultural business applications will be accepted due to limitations in funding availability and the unprecedented submission of applications already received. Applicants who have already submitted their applications will continue to be processed on a first-come, first-served basis. For agricultural businesses that submitted an EIDL application through the streamlined application portal prior to the legislative change, SBA will process these applications without the need for re-applying.
Eligible agricultural businesses may apply for the Loan Advance here.
Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation
West Virginians who have exhausted their regular unemployment benefits and are eligible for Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) can apply for a 13-week extension on Wednesday, May 6.
The additional weeks of benefits are provided through the Coronavirus Aid, Relief, and Economic Security (CARES) Act and will be available to individuals who previously collected state or federal unemployment compensation but have exhausted those benefits.
Individuals eligible for PEUC benefits will receive the same amount of unemployment compensation he or she received in previous weeks in addition to the $600 in weekly Federal Pandemic Unemployment Compensation (FPUC).
To learn more about PEUC benefits, visit www.workforcewv.org/cares-act-questions.Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation West Virginians who have exhausted their regular unemployment benefits and are eligible for Pandemic Emergency Unemployment Compensation (PEUC) can apply for a 13-week extension on Wednesday, May 6.
Where can I get a test? This is a question my office has received since the beginning of this pandemic. Please note that this is not a comprehensive list; there may be more testing sites out there that are added daily. In order to provide as much reliable information as possible, I am including testing sites that are verified through an official communication or news release.
I will keep this section of my newsletter and my website as up-to-date as possible. For any organizations or health care organizations who would like their site listed, or who have updates on their hours or requirements, please email me at common_sense@manchin.senate.gov . |
It is recommended that you seek testing only when you begin exhibiting symptoms of COVID-19. Click here to view the screening criteria. To report your symptoms and be directed to one of the available testing sites, contact your primary care doctor or a designated hotline for your area. Most, if not all, sites require a physician's order before testing. If you have gone through these steps and are still having issues getting a test, please email me at common_sense@manchin.senate.gov and a member of my staff will reach out to you to see if we can assist.
Click here for WV DHHR's latest updates to reported COVID-19 cases
Click here to find a testing site near you.
Any new additions or updates will be included below.
Email: common_sense@manchin.senate.gov
Social Media: Facebook Twitter YouTube
Or call the Charleston Office Toll-Free: (855) 275-5737 |
