
"They are seeing their kid do something for the first time"

Dear Fellow Vermonter,

In our state last year, nearly one in four adults reported having at least one disability and one in nine reported having multiple disabilities. Vermonters with disabilities are vital members of our communities and deserve equal and equitable rights and opportunities, including in sports and recreational activities. Which is why I am so glad to write to you today about the work being done at Vermont Adaptive Ski & Sports.

For more than 30 years, Vermont Adaptive has worked hard to ensure that empowering sports and recreation activities are accessible to all – ALL ages, ALL abilities, ALL year round – regardless of ability to pay. They also offer programs specifically designed for injured service members and veterans with disabilities, as well as their families.

We recently caught up with some of their team to learn more. I hope you’ll take a moment to watch the video below and hear what they had to say.


As a nation, we have a moral responsibility to ensure that everyone has the support they need to live their lives to the fullest potential. I am proud that Vermont Adaptive is helping to lead the way to accomplish just that. 

  • If you'd like to learn more about Vermont Adaptive or one of their programs, you can visit their website at or call them at 802-786-4991.

  • If you'd like to learn more about Vermont Adaptive's programs for injured service members, veterans with disabilities, and their families, click here to learn more:

  • If you'd like to see more resources for Vermonters with disabilities, see below.
As always, please forward this email along if you know someone who might benefit from this information. 



Additional Programs and Resources for Vermonters with Disabilities


Are you a Vermont veteran? The following resources might be useful to you. Need more assistance? Check out our more comprehensive list of resources and VA benefits.

  • VA Health Care: If you are eligible, you can apply to enroll in VA health care online, here:

  • Disability Compensation: VA disability compensation offers a monthly tax-free payment to veterans who became sick or were injured while serving in the military and to veterans whose military service made an existing condition worse. You may qualify for VA disability benefits for physical conditions (like a chronic illness or injury) and mental health conditions (like PTSD) that developed before, during, or after service. 
  • Disability Indemnity Compensation: If you’re the surviving spouse, child, or parent of a service member who died in the line of duty, or the survivor of a veteran who died from a service-related injury or illness, you may be able to get a tax-free monetary benefit called VA Dependency and Indemnity Compensation (VA DIC).
  • Senator Sanders’ Office: If you, or someone you know, needs help accessing benefits or resolving an issue with Veterans Affairs, please contact my office through our website or by phone at 802-862-0697 or 1-800-339-9834.

Education, Employment, and Independent Living

  • Vermont Center for Independent Living (VCIL): Founded in 1979, VCIL is the only Center for Independent Living in Vermont. It is directed and staffed by people with disabilities, and serves all of Vermont with offices in Montpelier, Bennington, Brattleboro, Burlington, Morrisville, and Rutland.
  • VT Assistive Technology Program (VATP): Vermont’s federal AT Act Program, VATP works to support full access and integration for Vermonters with disabilities and aging related needs, in education, work, and their communities.
  • HireAbility Vermont: HireAbility Vermont – formerly Voc Rehab – is an employment and career development resource for Vermonters living with a disability. They connect passionate employees with local employers eager to find talented workers. They also provide ongoing support to help ensure continued success on the job from day one, and into the future.
  • Vermont Department of Disabilities, Aging and Independent Living (DAIL): DAIL provides programs, services, information, and resources for older Vermonters, people with developmental disabilities, people with physical disabilities, the blind and visually impaired, the deaf and/or hard of hearing, caregivers and support providers, and more to help maintain dignity and independence.


Families and the Arts

  • VT Family Network: The mission of Vermont Family Network is to empower and support all Vermont children, youth, and families, especially those with disabilities or special health needs. They do this by giving a strong start, lifting family voices, and advancing inclusive communities.
  • Inclusive Arts Vermont: Inclusive Arts Vermont was founded in 1986 as a member of the national VSA network, a program of the John F. Kennedy Center for the Performing Arts. They are a not-for-profit organization, whose mission is to use the magic of the arts to engage the capabilities and enhance the confidence of children and adults with disabilities. Their programs continually evolve to meet the needs of Vermonters as they arise and reach thousands of participants annually.

Summer Camps and Recreation

Registration has closed for many camps for this summer, but some are still accepting applications. See below for information on some Vermont summer programs serving Vermont children and young people of all abilities. For a more comprehensive list of Vermont summer camps and recreational opportunities, see here:

  • Partners in Adventure (PIA): Located in Chittenden County, Partners In Adventure has provided year-round programs and camp experiences for young people of all abilities since 1999. PIA is the only program in Vermont that offers opportunities in community settings that are fully accessible, adaptive, and inclusive.
  • Camp Thorpe: Camp Thorpe is dedicated to providing a fun and safe camping experience to children and adults with special needs. The camp provides an intergenerational camp environment where everyone can feel safe, secure, and accepted.

Disability Rights & Resources

  • Disability Rights Vermont (DRVT): DRVT is part of the National Protection and Advocacy system. This national system was created by Congress in response to concerns that states were not doing enough to protect people with disabilities against abuse, neglect, and serious rights violations. Congress created the Protection and Advocacy (P&A) system to increase scrutiny and available resources in order to improve conditions for people with disabilities. Each state has a P&A system. DRVT, Vermont’s P&A system, is a private, non-profit corporation designated by the Governor and has been operating for more than fifteen years.
  • Vermont Coalition for Disability Rights (VCDR): The mission of VCDR is to advance the human and civil rights of people with disabilities to ensure full and equal participation in all aspects of community life and the political process.
  • VT Center on Disability and Inclusion (CDCI): The CDCI works to connect Vermonters with disabilities with services and resources to participate fully in the communities of their choosing, including connecting learners with classes, scholarships, and opportunities to make disability a professional priority; and to connect the dots through research into how things are, and how people with disabilities want them to be.

How Can We Help?

My Vermont offices have experienced caseworkers on staff who help Vermonters navigate federal agencies every day. If you think my office can help, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-339-9834 or click here

If you would like to share your thoughts on pending legislation, or if you have an idea that we could address through new legislation, click here

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