
PLEASE READ: Emergency Flooding Resources

Dear Fellow Vermonter,

Nobody knows for sure, but the flooding we are now experiencing could be the worst Vermont has seen in a very long time.

What we do know is that extensive damage is already occurring in the towns of Weston, Ludlow, Londonderry, Calais, and many more.

We also know that a number of roads have been closed, including sections of Route 100, 14, 131, 12, 12A, 14, 2, 103, 140, 107, and 155. Vermonters can stay up-to-date on road closures by visiting the Vermont Agency of Transportation website or New England 5-1-1.

In terms of roads, please remember: Flash flooding is extremely dangerous and could result in loss of life. If you have to travel in flooded areas, be extremely careful. Vermonters should monitor media reports, follow instructions from Vermont Emergency Management, never attempt to walk or drive through flood waters, and familiarize yourself with your best flood evacuation routes.

This morning, I spoke with FEMA Administrator Deanne Criswell about the disaster declaration requested by Governor Scott that Senator Welch, Representative Balint, and I fully support. I hope the White House will approve this request later today. This declaration will enable various types of federal support to come into the state as soon as possible. In speaking with the FEMA Administrator, I also requested that she send FEMA staff into flooded areas as soon as it is safe so that residents can learn about the type of help that may be available to them.

A special thanks to the road crews and all emergency workers who are working around the clock to protect lives and property. They are doing a great job under extremely difficult circumstances. I also want to thank the crews who are on their way from around our region and as far away as North Carolina. I also appreciate the Vermont National Guard as well as National Guards from our neighboring states who stand at the ready to assist us if needed.

Please see below for additional resources and stay tuned for more updates. As always, if you know someone who would benefit from this information, please forward this email to them.

We will get through this together.




Weston, VT. Source: Community Member


Depot Street in Ludlow, VT. Source: Community Member


Stay Informed, Get Emergency Alerts

It is imperative that Vermonters stay safe as the flash flood risk continues through today and as long as a flood watch remains in effect. Vermonters should monitor media reports, follow instructions from Vermont Emergency Management, never attempt to walk or drive through flood waters, and familiarize yourself with your best flood evacuation routes. See below for some key resources. 

Some Flood Safety Best Practices

  • Never drive or walk through floodwaters. Strong currents or unseen washouts can sweep you and your car away.

  • Turn off the circuit breaker in your home before you evacuate – if you can do so safely.

  • If rising water is approaching, leave.

  • If you need to evacuate, do so over high ground. Plan that route as soon as possible.

  • If your home floods, have a licensed electrician inspect your electrical system before you once again occupy your home.

  • If you are in a flood-prone area, or if you believe your home will be flooded, it is advisable to move valuables from your basement in case water enters your home.

  • Check your insurance coverage now, and then contact your insurance company if you have damage.

Additional Resources for Emergency Updates

For additional updates, you can find below some recommended social media accounts to follow:


How Can We Help?

My Vermont offices have experienced caseworkers on staff who help Vermonters navigate federal agencies every day. If you think my office can help, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-339-9834 or click here

If you would like to share your thoughts on pending legislation, or if you have an idea that we could address through new legislation, click here

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