Celebrating Good Work in Our Communities |
Dear Fellow Vermonter,
As we head into the new year, I wanted to take a moment to remind you of a very important fact. If you are having a hard time, if you are struggling to make ends meet, to put food on the table, to pay rent: You are not alone. And there are agencies that can help.
Across our state, Community Action Agencies help Vermonters who are struggling. From heating assistance and weatherizing your home, to support in housing, transportation, job training, food and nutrition, financial education and coaching, flood recovery, childcare and early learning, and more, Community Action Agencies are here to help.
Capstone is one of the five Community Action Agencies that work together to cover every corner of the state. Sue Minter, who recently stepped down from Capstone after serving as its executive director since 2018, sat down with the Bernie Buzz to share more about their work.

As Sue shares, Community Action Agencies were established in 1964 by Presidents John F. Kennedy and Lyndon B. Johnson as a key part of the War on Poverty. Each agency reflects the community it serves and all are dedicated to providing a wide range of resources, including helping people navigate federal programs and benefits.
I wish I could tell you that Capstone and agencies like it have all the resources to help every single person in need. The sad truth is that, despite my staunch efforts, these agencies are often underfunded. Further, Congress ended 2024 by cutting many critical federal programs, including the one that funds housing assistance through Section 8. I opposed these cuts because I know that, for thousands of Vermonters, these federal programs are the difference between having a safe, stable place to live and being out on the streets. While the battle ahead will be difficult, I will do everything possible to make it clear that the federal government prioritizes the needs of working people over tax breaks for billionaires.
If you are interested in learning more or need to find a Community Action Agency near you, click here. And as always, if you think my office can help, please do not hesitate to call us at (802) 862-0697, toll-free at 1-800-339-9834, or by clicking here.

Find a Community Action Agency Near You |
To find the right Community Action Agency for you, see below or click here to get started: https://vermontcap.org/find-help/

- Northeast Kingdom Community Action
- Serves: Orleans, Essex, and Caledonia Counties.
- Contact: Call 855-663-5224 or visit their website at www.nekcavt.org
- Champlain Valley Office of Economic Opportunity
- Serves: Addison County (excluding the towns of Granville and Hancock), Chittenden, Franklin, and Grand Isle counties.
- Contact: Call 802-862-2771 or visit their website at www.cvoeo.org
- Southeastern Vermont Community Action
- Serves: Windham and Windsor Counties– (excluding the towns of Barnard, Bethel, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon and Stockbridge in Windsor County).
- Contact: Call 802-722-4575 or visit their website at www.sevca.org
- Capstone Community Action
- Serves: Washington, Orange, and Lamoille Counties; Granville and Hancock in Addison County; Pittsfield in Rutland County; Barnard, Bethel, Rochester, Royalton, Sharon and Stockbridge in Windsor County.
- Contact: Call 802-479-1053 or visit their website at www.capstonevt.org
- BROC Community Action
- Serves: Rutland and Bennington Counties.
- Contact: Call 802-775-0878 or visit their website at www.broc.org
How Can We Help?
My Vermont offices have experienced caseworkers on staff who help Vermonters navigate federal agencies every day. If you think my office can help, please do not hesitate to call 1-800-339-9834 or click here.
If you would like to share your thoughts on pending legislation, or if you have an idea that we could address through new legislation, click here.
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